Monday, April 13, 2015

Sorry about that.....

I haven't blogged in a while, but I've been working on a few writing projects, one major. Non-Battletech novel, which is now out --- See my announcement here: African Firestorm is a Go!

With that out of the way, I'm back to writing for Battlecorps. So far, I have three completed first drafts for Battlecorps done, and trying to finish a fourth and maybe a fifth. Once they are done, I'll go back through and cut the first drafts by at least 10%, then send them to the workshop to be looked over. After that, I'll be sending them into Jason Schmitzer for his consideration.

On a personal level, for those people who complain that there aren't enough Battlecorps stories, the reason is simple; there are not a lot of Battlecorps writers. There are no stories being held back, Jason's not hoarding stories. The simple truth is there isn't a large number of stories riolling in, and those that are.....well, if you've read my "Dos and don't" blog posts, you would understand why they were rejected.

No one is writing full-time for Battlecorps; most have real-life jobs, families and social obligations that come first. Several writers are involved in non-Battletech projects, either as a writing or as an editor. There are always writing projects for sourcebooks going on and they take priority. When they find time, they can write Battlecorps story. Jason is always looking for good Battletech writers, so you lose nothing if you submit your story.

I am back to blogging, and we'll see how it goes.. I'll keep you updated with what's going on from my POV in the Battletech world (Subject to my NDA).

Here we go!


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